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Ma samo cepaj nema nema pravila u ovom forumu ...cepaj kolina :D

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Autoru Poruka
Nepročitan postPoslato: 15 Maj 2012 06:24 

Pridružio se: 12 Maj 2012 15:47
Postovi: 2
Lokacija: USA
Nevertheless, you can draw out the life of your jewelry with proper usage and care. When you are cleaning your fashion jewelry, you ought to ensure that the solution you choose to clean must not contain ammonia, vinegar, or any other acids or alcohols. Before buying the cleaner product, read the label and make sure you are using a cleaner safe for whatever material your costume jewelry is made from, say for instance, silver, gold, brass, bronze, copper, chrome, stainless steel, aluminum, pearls, opals, marble and any gems. Avoid using soap and water, because almost all soaps will leave a line of sediments on the metal and make the stones look dull, similarly, Windex can damage delicate stones and finishes, and even Vinegar is harmful to the gemstones. So always use a very soft cloth to clean the surface of stones and gold or silver, using a bit of water carefully to clean your fashion jewelry rather than dipping them entirely.

Remember, although you may be a fashion expert in your own group, helping clients look their best involves more than choosing a few accessories and throwing the together to make an outfit. Fashion training allows you to learn all there is about the fashion industry and these courses offer accreditations and certificates through which you can get a job or start your own fashion consultancy. Many training courses also offer internships or opportunities to apply for jobs with prestigious clients. Training can not only bring out the best in you but it can also help the world see, your hidden talents.

I have a huge collection of old fashion recipes and the old fashion cakes are often my favorites. I can't imagine not sharing this old fashion goodies with you cooks in the younger generations. Make an old fashion cake for your family and friends the next time a cake is called for! This Peach Upside Down Cake is one I have been making for probably over 50 years; so good and rich! The Strawberry Delight is a cake I started making about 45 years ago when experimenting for something a little different. I prefer white cake, you may prefer yellow or even chocolate! Strawberries and chocolate have become so popular now that I think they could be my new favorite way of preparing this delightful cake. This cake is good anytime but is especially delicious when you want a chilled dessert cake. I love it after it has been refrigerated.

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